When the arm is straight and the palm faces the anterior (supination), in the carpal (wrist) joint, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon.
Regulates and tonifies the heart, transforms heart phlegm and fire, regulates and cools the blood.
All heart syndromes and diseases, arrhythmia, palpitations, fibrilation and angina pectoris, insomnia, excessive dreaming, hysteria, irritability, anxiety and fear, poor memory, dizziness, headache, tongue diseases, neurasthenia, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, hemoptysis, bloody stool, eczema, itching, mania, depression, urinary incontinence, nocturnal emission, desire for cold drinks, likes to laugh, ceaseless chattering, cold feet with warm hands, frequent sighing, forgetfulness.
H-7/ Sp-6/Yintang = insomnia, H-7/ P-6/ yintang/ Liv-3/ Sp-6 = anxiety and depression, H-7/ B-15/ P-6/ G-34 joined to Sp-9 = cardiac arrhythmia, H-7/ Ren-13 = mad behavior, H-7/ Si-7 = Calms the spirit and treats emotional imbalances ( Yuan - Luo combination).
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